After the birth of my son in 2015, I was brimming with creativity and wanted to do ALL of the things. Make things, learn things, write things, while at the same time the relationship with my partner, the father of this sweet child, was falling to absolute pieces.
As if my child's birth had been a catalyst for my own spiritual re-awakening (it was) and I could no longer keep myself small to try and fit in to the peanut shell of a world I had co-created (I couldn't), I knew that I needed to show up more fully, more authentically. For him.
I began to see how much of myself I had lost, dimmed, denied over the years. To understand how it was I had come to lose my spark. How one of the biggest gifts of becoming a mother was the gift to see that I also needed to show up more fully, more authentically for myself. And eventually to know that without my showing up fully aligned and expressing ME in my life there was no way that anyone else could truly meet me in relationship.
My entire world view had shifted.
During that time I created an online candle business and wrote a few blog pieces before turning my attention inward with more focus, deepening into the yoga and embodiment practices I now embrace and share.
I offer those words here over the next few posts so you may get a sense of where I've come from. Expressions of my own evolution extended to you as candles lit along the path of coming home to wholeness. As invitations to a path where you fully meet ALL of the intimate and subtle layers of yourself; the dark, the light and everything in between.
Many years ago...
I wrote, 'As I have invited you to explore your inner world, I welcome you to join me as I explore my own. It will undoubtedly be a bit messy, with no 'this blog is about (insert single option here)' or a straight path to anywhere. I'm right there with you, doing it. Digging in, diving deep into the dark, into the light and all of the in-between.
I am a seeker who is at the beginning, on the verge, and simultaneously feel at the very centre of it all. An observer, standing on a viewing platform above a breathtaking canyon, taking everything in. I will share with you my thoughts and experiences as a person who is re-awakening to so much of life. Intuition, self-care, self-exploration, femininity, masculinity, spiritual ponderings and wonderings.
Currently I focus my energy on creating a life that allows me to be true to the core of my being, to follow my inner guide wherever it leads (like feeling called to making candles. Ummm, okay lets do it!) and to honour our innate ability as humans to connect with all that surrounds us. Nature, Spirit, each other! I feel like so many of us are craving that connection, but don't know how to go about satisfying our instinctive needs.
I certainly don't have all the answers just a healthy curiosity that will lead where it leads. So join me if you will as I explore the light, the dark and whatever I stumble upon between. No doubt there will be stumbling ;)'
Although much has shifted and many veils have been lifted for me since the time I originally created that post, so much of what I shared then continues to resonate for me and I still often feel like I'm at the beginning. As is said, when one door closes another opens and I am ever intrigued by what each of these new beginnings has in store for me.
And you? Are you curious? What might be on the other side of that door that feels ready to be closed?
Shall we walk together?
I'll hold a candle for you.
With so much love,